Bounties are opportunities to work on Urbit in exchange for address space or other funding. Bounties are perfect if you want inspiration or direction on what's needed. They are posted by the Urbit Foundation, or other ecosystem organizations.
If you are from an ecosystem organization and want to post a bounty, reach out to [email protected].
Types of Bounties
Some bounties are fully specified contracts, including milestones and rewards. For these, simply apply, fulfill the requirements, and receive your payout.
Other bounties are less specified, pointing at a general idea that we'd like to see come to life. We invite you to come up with a spec for these bounties, including milestones and rewards. If such a bounty interests you and you'd like help drafting a spec, reach out to us.
Getting Help
If you have questions about bounties, please reach out via email to [email protected], DM ~tamlut-modnys on the network, or stop by the Grants Office Hours which are held Thursdays at 1pm Eastern Time in the Urbit Hacker House.
The Bounty Process
1. Submit your Application
Apply for a bounty with the grant application link. Mention which bounty you are applying for. If the bounty already has milestones and rewards specified, you're good to go.
If the bounty doesn't have a clear specification, you should write a proposal with milestones and rewards. Reach out to us at [email protected] if you want help with this. Also see our F.A.Q. below for helpful tips.
2. Get Approved
After applying, the Urbit Foundation will review your application. In some cases, we may schedule a quick follow-up interview.
Some bounties are sponsored by other organizations and may include compensation from them. In these cases, the grantee should discuss the details with them.
3. Sign a Contract
If your application is accepted, you will undergo a quick KYC process and recieve a contract for signature.
4. Work and Get Paid
Your bounty will have a champion, an experienced community member who will help you, keep track of the grant, and be your point of contact. Bounties usually have a champion listed, otherwise we will assign you one.
After you've finished your work on a given milestone, you can receive a payout. To do so, contact your champion and demonstrate to them that you've completed the work. After they verify your work and send their approval to the Foundation, you can submit an invoice.
Once we receive both approval and an invoice for a milestone, we will pay your reward to the ETH address you provided.