Urbit Meet-Up Stockholm

Second Urbit meet-up in Sweden

Drottning Victorias Örlogshem, Teatergatan 3, 111 48 Stockholm

On April 5th it’s time for the second Swedish Urbit-meetup! The plan for this time is to look a bit more closely at the technical details with ~millyt-dorsen (Founder of Ursverige and urbit.nu) and ~wicrum-wicrun (Dalten Collective and Quartus), as well as reviewing what’s happened online since the last meetup.

Time and date: 18:00, 2022-04-05

Place: Drottning Victorias Örlogshem, Teatergatan 3, 111 48 Stockholm

No registration is necessary, but if you want to receive emails about any changes as well as future events you can sign up here (this is not necessary if you have signed up previously). You can also DM ~wicrum-wicrun your email address.

Välkomna / Welcome!