Developer Call: Holium's Community OS

Online Event

Holium is one of the rising stars in the Urbit Community. Earlier this year they launched the Ballot app and will have much more to show at Assembly 2022. Holium is focused on building a full OS experience around communities and DAOs, where the software that the community runs on — think chat, calendar, files, voice and video calls — are integrated in the computing environment like never before. Developers and especially fresh Hoon School grads should keep their eyes on Holium's roadmap, as opportunities to work with them are dropping regularly. On this call, Trent (~lomder-librun) will tell us all about their plans, their roadmap, and how you can help out.

Trent has worked in software for almost a decade. He spent his first 3 years in the corporate world before building various startups. A recent Urbit convert, he believes in a pro-human future and is fighting for humanity to keep its soul as we enter the neon age.