General Website Permissioning

Enabling the ability to log in and view private or user-specific content

May 10, 2022

Reward: 3 stars

ID: P0142

Grantee(s): ~tirrel

Champion(s): ~tacryt-socryp

CompletedProposalDev: AppsDev: Tool


A common pattern on websites of all kinds is the ability to log in and view private or user-specific content. Having the ability to require permission to access webpages and digital content is a powerful primitive for extending Urbit’s web publishing capabilities. As such, we’re building the %auth agent, an extensible user-login system that will start by supporting magic link login. In other words, it maintains a list of email addresses with permission to view some particular content, and if someone wants to view the content, they can enter their email address and receive a link that will take them to the content page.


Create an %auth agent that keeps track of usernames, HTTP cookies for their login, and sets timers to expire those cookies.

User Stories:

  • I want to give access to my Studio web blog only to a small list of my friends.
  • I want to sell access to my Studio web blog to paying subscribers and use an out-of-band payment for them to be added to the user list.

Milestones and Compensation

June 2022 - Payment 3 stars - Auth agent is complete and supports magic link login. Auth agent may be used to permission access to Studio webpages or be used elsewhere.