Dependency Management for Citadel
Currently, urbit does not have a dependency management system. Developers have to include system files and libraries in their application desks, often with inconvenient symlink setups. This project will extend %citadel with a dependency management system that allows a developer to define a list of dependencies for a desk that %citadel uses to retrieve inter-desk source files and keep them in sync.
The user may create a desk.herd file (ala desk.bill and friends) at their desk root containing a hoon list of beef (a beam-like structure) describing the set of dependencies for that desk. These should point to sources defined on local or remote desks accessible from the ship running %citadel. %citadel will create a new build desk by fuse-ing the list of dependencies followed by the source files from the development desk.
Sample desk.herd file
=/ our ~sampel-palnet =/ now ~2022.7.18..20.53.47..b9b2 ^- (list beef) :~ [[our %base [%da now]] /lib/csv/hoon] [[our %landscape [%da now]] /sur/graph-store/hoon] [[our %bitcoin [%da now]] /lib/btc/hoon] ==
Documentation through %docs will also be included.
Future work/stretch goals
%citadel could support command line library installation ala npm or rubygems by allowing developers to serve libraries remotely. This example poke to a local instance could ask a remote %citadel on ~sampel-palnet for the sources corresponding to the %remote-lib library and install them into %application-desk, all while maintaining the integrity of current state of dependencies for that desk.
:citadel [%install %application-desk ~sampel-palnet %remote-lib]
Milestones & Compensation
Expected completion: September 15, 2022
Reward: 2 stars