Loom Pointer CompressionExpand the maximum addressable loom size
August 11, 2022Reward: 1 star ID: A0173Champion(s):

Loom Pointer Compression Apprenticeship

This project makes it possible to at least double the maximum addressable loom space, which is constrained by the number of bits in a loom offset (u3_post).

U3 uses 32-bit noun references, and 2 of those bits are used for type tags (in the case of indirect references to loom allocations). The remaining bits are availabe for use as word-aligned (4-byte) offsets/indexes into the memory of the loom, and all allocations are sized and aligned in terms of words.

Increasing the alignment boundaries of loom allocations to some larger power-of-two (call it X) lets us effectively use additional bits (log2(X) to be precise) in our loom offsets -- since those bits will always be zero, we can shift them off and don't need to store them inside our 32-bit references. Each additional bit doubles the size of the addressable space; in this way, we can grow the loom without switching from 32-bit to 64-bit references (which should also be done, but is a larger project subject to other constraints). This "pointer compression" trick is used to great effect by the JVM.

Switching to 8-byte (2-word) alignment buys us one additional bit, and since our minimum allocation (the size of a cell) is 6 words, it does so without imposing costly padding. Higher levels of alignment should be considered, but may not be worthwhile outside of specialized use-cases, as they will involve padding of all cell allocations (barring more dramatic changes to the memory layout of nouns).


  • an updated allocator (u3a_walloc() and friends) that ensures at least 8-byte (2-word) alignment for all loom allocations
  • an updated de/reference api that compresses pointer-to-offset (u3a_outa()) and decompresses offset-to-pointer (u3a_into())
  • a migration from the old to new heap layout (u3m_pack(), but capable of reordering the heap to adjust minimum allocation alignment)

User Stories

  • moar nouns


  • proficiency in C
  • familiarity with custom allocators, bit-twiddling, &c

Educational Outcomes for the Apprentice

The apprentice will learn about:

  • vere/u3
  • the loom and road system
  • our allocator

Responsibilities of the Mentor

  • technical direction
  • code review
  • release plan

Duration and Compensation

Expected duration is two months. Compensation is 1 star upon successful completion of the apprenticeship.